Title: Monsters
Team Name: Death Eaters
Word Count: 100 x 3
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: Unforgivable Curse.
Characters: Severus Snape, Hermione Granger, Bellatrix Lestrange, Nagini
Authors Notes: thanks to
dacian_goddessfor her extra quick beta.
As usual, nothing belongs to me.
“Imperio!” Severus intoned softly, his wand pointed at Bellatrix’ back. The woman stopped running.
“What are you doing?” Hermione whispered from her position behind him.
“I will not let her inform the Dark Lord that she has been right all along; that I have been a traitor.”
“Are you going to kill her?” Anticipation and anxiety were vying for dominance in her voice, and reverberated through the damp, stone-walled corridors.
“Yes,” he answered fiercely, “but the Killing curse is too merciful for the likes of her.”
They approached the frozen woman while talking.
“Severus, what do you have in mind?”
“Come with us,” he ordered the cursed Death Eater instead of answering Hermione. They walked along similar corridors until they heard a faint hissing. Hermione shivered in spite of her heavy cloak. She knew what was coming their way.
They halted. Soon, a gigantic snake appeared around the corner and slithered toward them, never ceasing to hiss angrily in their direction.
Severus was tense, ready to take action; Hermione was petrified, as if she’d met another basilisk; Bellatrix stood motionless and emotionless, thanks to the Unforgivable Curse Severus had cast on her. Face to face, each gauged the enemy’s weakness.
A very nasty smile, one of the shark species, appeared on Severus’ face.
“Hermione, put the snake under the Imperius Curse. It should not resist it.”
Hermione could swear Severus was giddy, but she didn’t have time to ponder the wonders of life: she did as bidden. She didn’t even object to what he asked of her next.
The serpent advanced on Bellatrix and slowly coiled itself around her frame. When the bodies of the two monsters were securely intertwined, Severus lifted the curse off of Bellatrix. The black-haired woman screamed as her bones shattered noisily under Nagini’s powerful muscles.