Mar 14, 2007 21:28
Title: An Absurd Pairing?
Team: Mod Having fun
Word Count: exactly 100
Rating: It needs a LJ Cut…
Challenge: Limericks/Bad Poetry
Characters: Severus, Hermione, Ginny, and Luna
Disclaimer: No money made, JKR owns it all.
See behind the cut.
An inebriated Luna and Ginny apparently thought it was funny to invent dirty rhymes pairing Hermione with men who they thought shocking. Hermione responded with stronger gagging pantomimes from their absurd pairings. Ginny laughed.
A bushy haired girl quite fair,
Wanted a dark professor bare
Raising her wand
Thinking him fond
His naked ass sat in a chair.
Luna then took her turn.
There was a young witch named Hermione
Who desired to pat Severus' hiney
She needed an inch
He turned in a pinch
And she grabbed something hard and quite slimy.
Hermione Granger smiled, shocking her drinking buddies.
dirty limerick & poetry challenge