Title: Pneumonia I Team: Order of the Phoenix Rating: all ages Challenge: Common Cold/Sick in Bed Challenge Characters: Severus, Hermione, Poppy Word Count: 5 x 100
A nice cup of hot herbal tea is the most I can handle, in my condition (there's a reason I suggested the Common Cold for a challenge), but thank you. I have the "Update Journal" window open.
Nicely done, though I have to admit that I read the continuation before this part of the story. :) I hope you keep on writing and are feeling better soon. Love Sonia
Having lived through it more than once, I can attest that, yes, pneumonia is indeed horrible. If the thought has occurred to him, he hasn't admitted the truth of it to himself yet. *evil laugh* Thanks very much!
AH!!! Somehow I missed this and read this second part first. *sigh* This makes it all that much sweeter. I love the image of him bolting out the door, and again when he lays his hand on her door. So sweet and wonderful...though I'm quite sure he wouldn't like to be labeled as such.
I'm so glad that you are adding more to this series!
I should have waited to post the second group for a day, to five everyone a chance to read the first one first. Oh, well.
No, Severus would hate to be called sweet. It would ruin his image. I think he's just trying to help her get back to work because the deputy headmistress does the stuff the headmaster doesn't want to, and also because he doesn't want to have to train another deputy.
Okay...first off, I LOVE your enigma icon. That's very powerful. It really caught my attention.
I think he's just trying to help her get back to work because the deputy headmistress does the stuff the headmaster doesn't want to, and also because he doesn't want to have to train another deputy.
I said it wrong: He thinks he's just trying to help her get back to work because the deputy headmistress does the stuff the headmaster doesn't want to, and also because he doesn't want to have to train another deputy.
Comments 34
Love Sonia
( ... )
I'm so glad that you are adding more to this series!
I should have waited to post the second group for a day, to five everyone a chance to read the first one first. Oh, well.
No, Severus would hate to be called sweet. It would ruin his image. I think he's just trying to help her get back to work because the deputy headmistress does the stuff the headmaster doesn't want to, and also because he doesn't want to have to train another deputy.
I think he's just trying to help her get back to work because the deputy headmistress does the stuff the headmaster doesn't want to, and also because he doesn't want to have to train another deputy.
Surely that's not the only reason???
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