Tougher Skin

Jan 14, 2007 12:09

Title: Tougher Skin
Team Name: The noble order of the phoenix
Word Count: 100 x 4
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: 50 Points Challenge
Characters: Hermione Granger/Severus Snape, Students

“Fifty points from Slytherin!” Professor Granger screamed, following a slamming of the textbook. The giggles, silly faces moments prior die away replaced by the look of stone cold fear.

“It was a joke Professor, ok?” Words were sincere, the tone of voice was not.

“That's five more points Mr. Clark, open your mouth again and I will take ten points off for every single word, do you understand?” A nod of the head comes as a response. The bell signals, the conclusion of class, she releases them with a wave of her hand. Once alone she lets out a scream.

“Tough day?” Professor Snape asks from the door, a smirk, almost a smile on his face.

“You put him up to it didn't you?! Let me guess you'll think of a excuse to award the points back before dinner.”

“I can't believe another professor would suggest that I would encourage bad behavior, disguard of the rules, and making a foul name of his house. No I would never do that! Perhaps you are not prepared as you thought you were to handle this job. It's a lot different doing to solo than standing behind someone else observing them handle difficulties.”

She feared he could be right, one can study how to do a job, know it forward and back, but applying it and trying it out for size doesn't always suit the person. She was still a Gryffindor one not to give up, especially with a Slytherin watching your every move, taking wagers of how long you'll last. Throwing the towel in day one would be disgraceful.

“You're right that was inappropriate for me to suggest. I do trust you will discipline your house on behaviors? Focus on the fact this class is for transformation not commentary of past events.”

“Just one hint of advice Professor Granger, you have to grow a thicker skin if you really wish to make it in this job. I imagine the comment had to do with either Potter or Weasley's death? You were a student once they can be viscous, cruel bastards and it's tempting to take dozens of points away per class; and if you wish to I can't stop you, but I rather you didn't turn into me. I'd hate to see that.” Before she is able to respond to his statement he's gone.

“That won't be a bad thing.” She whispers.

tablyn24, 50 points challenge

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