The Face of the Enemy - Part 3 of Christmas Surprise

Jan 13, 2007 23:15

Title: The Face of the Enemy
Part 3 of Christmas Surprise
Team Name: Death Eater.
Word Count: 8x100=800
Rating: NC-17
Challenge: Babylon 5, Santa Severus, Christmas Eve/Day, Runaway.
Disclaimer: Everything belongs to JKR.

Warning: Torture, Violence, Sexual Assault


”Ennervate!” he hissed, hauling Hermione up. “No one can keep me out. Certainly not a Mudblood whore!”

Hermione looked into the face of the enemy; she saw no mercy or compassion, it was so distorted by rage and insanity. It was barely human. There was no escape. She and Severus would be killed this time. “Severus taught me,” she said.

“Tell me where he is?”


“Mudblood bitch!” He reigned blows down on her merciously.

“No,” she gasped.

“I know tortures you’ve never imagined.”

“You’ll torture and kill me regardless. I won’t tell you anything.”


“How dare you speak to me like that. I will teach you proper respect Mudblood. Look at the way you’re dressed. He sneered at her Muggle clothes and tore them off. And this hovel...” He turned the tidy kitchen into a pile of rubble in seconds. “Come Mudblood he said as he dragged her into the bedroom. “Isn’t this sweet?” he said mockingly, as he saw the hand knit stockings, and the sweets on the pillows. “How romanitc. Don’t worry Mudblood, you’ll get it tonight, better than he’s given you.” He leered, running his hand roughly over her.

‘Don’t react to him, that’s what he wants,’ Hermione repeated the mantra silently to herself. ‘He can hurt my body. He can”t touch my mind, my soul, or me. He can’t touch me.’ She could endure physical torture. She could separate from the pain. Her thoughts began to race. ‘I can’t stand it if he... No!’ She stopped her racing thoughts. ‘I will die this night. I will be tortured and die. When he rapes me it won’t be any different from any other torture. He will torture and kill my body. He can not touch my soul.’

Hermione felt herself thrown violently. She raised her head. They were in the library.

“I should have know.” He stalked to the bookshelves. He pulled books out tearing them and tossing them aside. He pulled a worn leather one out, several photos fell from the pages.

Hermione cringed as she watched him study them.

His look darkened at the last picture. He advanced on Hermione. “Who is this?”

“She was my friend.”

“She was a whore!”

“You tortured her for days before you killed her.”

“She deserved it!”

“BASTARD!” Hermione grabbed for the photo knocking him into the fireplace.


A roar of enraged pain made the walls tremble. Green sparks flew around him as he swooped down on Hermione. “You burned me!” he hissed, exposing the blistering burn on his face.”You will suffer for this.”

Hermione closed her eyes. She felt him drag her closer to the fire.

“Open you eyes,” he ordered. He held a glowing coal.

Hermione remained impassive, until she smelled her flesh burning. Her control slipped for a fraction of a moment, and she felt the pain. She began to scream.

He smiled in evil satisfaction. “She screamd too,” he whispered in Hermione’s ear.


Hermione was desperate to separate from the pain. She couldn’t. It was everywhere. She was drowning in it.

“This is how it should me, Mudblood whore. You screaming and begging me to kill you.” As he spoke he lay her out on the kitchen table. “I can’t kill you yet, Mudblood. He has to be here to watch me enjoy you.” He ran his leather gloved hands cruelly over her bruised body.

“No... Please, no.”

“You don’t want to wait, Mudblood? I wouldn’t want to be rude.” He advanced on her.

“No...” Hermione’s pleading turned to screams of pain.


‘Why doesn’t he just kill me?’ Hermione thought. ‘Let me die. I can’t stand this. Can’t breathe... Can’t see... Darkness... Cold...’

“Not bad, Mudblood.” Glancing down he notices how pale she is. ”Ennervate!” “No dying until he gets here.

The door bursts open revealing three identical Father Christmases.




The spells are cast almost as one.

He roars, seemingly unaffected by the spells, and charges. "There can't be three of you!"




He is down, but, still raging. Two Father Christmases hold him at wand point. The other rushes to Hermione.


Severus is at Hermione's side, casting healing spells; and releasing her bonds. "Hermione, it's Severus. Wake up, you're safe. He's gone."

She doesn't respond.

"Hermione, it's Severus, open your eyes."

Hermione struggles to open her eyes. "Severus, we must be dead; but..." She winces in pain. "Hurts. Shouldn't hurt if dead."

"You are alive, Hermione."

"How? He found- "

"Quiet Hermione, you're injured. I have summoned a Healer. You must rest. I will explain everything."

"Stay with me?"

"Hermione, I will never leave you. I love you."

"I love you."

AN: Voldemort was a good guess, but, it isn't the Dark Lord. Any other guesses?

santa severus challenge, runaway challenge, babylon5 challenge, christmas eve/day challenge, dark_hufflepuff, elf made wine challenge

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