Title: A Night of Inquisitive Antics
Team Name: Death Eaters
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Challenge: What’s in the Stocking? Challenge
Characters: Hermione/Severus
Authors Notes: I have a fever of 102 as of this moment. What better way to ease said fever by typing out a rather incoherent drabble to please my fellow Death Eaters?
A rustling of woolen cloak and the soft trudges of ginger footsteps silently reverberated about the darkened room. His eyes adjusted quickly to the darkness surrounding him as he made his way towards the mantle, blatantly ignoring the mischievous glints illuminating from the ridiculously colorful ornaments adorning their tree.
Stopping suddenly, he straightened himself as he allowed his ears to reach out for any inkling of sound. However, all was quiet. All was well.
Almost smiling, he ventured forward, reaching for his long-awaited prize…
A poised swift of movement and a wand at his throat:
“Curiosity killed the cat, Severus.”