The Visitors

Nov 21, 2006 00:26

Title: The Visitors
Team Name: Spying for the Order today
Word Count: 2 x 100
Rating: G
Challenge: family visit
Characters: Severus, Hermione, Severus' family
Disclaimer: Not mine. Never has been. Never will be.

“Thank God that’s over,” his wife said with a sigh.

“It wasn’t that bad,” Severus said, climbing into bed and laying his head down on the pillows.

Hermione continued to bustle around the room. “Did you see the way he looked at me? He was sniffing around, opening and closing all of drawers, as if I were hiding something!”

Severus snorted. “I’m sure he believes that I am the one that would be the one hiding something.”

“I doubt that, he’s your step-father.” She crawled under the covers. “And your mother was no better; glaring at me whenever I spoke.”

“Hermione,” Severus said in a placating tone as he rolled onto his side, draping his arm over her, “they like you just fine. We haven’t been married long, give them time.”

“They haven’t been married long either.”


Hermione brushed her finger along Severus’ cheek. “They just both have their ways of making me feel like a child.”

“I understand, they will be leaving tomorrow. Be patient.”

“I will.”

Hermione suddenly giggled.


“It’s just that when I was a student I never thought there’d be a time when Argus Filch and Irma Pince would be guests in my home.”

A/N: This bunny fought being corralled into drabble format and still isn't exactly how I wanted it, but... it works.

Yes, Eileen Prince is Severus' mother. There is a theory that 'Irma Pince' is an anagram for "I'm a Prince," and therefore related to Severus in some way. I thought it would be fun to play with that theory. :)

ginny_weasley31, family visit challenge

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