Title: No More Cabinets
Team: Spying for the Order
Words: 100
Rating: G
Challenge: Native Slang (R'Disland)
Characters: Hermione, Severus
No More Cabinets
"Jeet?" she asked.
He looked up from his desk. "Please?"
"Nah. Joo?"
"Hadda grinder."
He leaned back and rubbed the bridge of his nose.
"Come on, Severus. Let's go downsella and get some stuffies."
He made a "later" gesture, and she frowned.
"Severus. You're peaked."
"Hermione, I have to get this downcity by this evening."
She frowned. Since the Trustees had appointed him wicked sachem of Hogwarts, he had godded his responsibilities like a Rottweiler.
"At least let me Floo for a cabinet."
He pushed back his chair and scowled at her. "No, Hermione. No more cabinets."
R'Disland = Rhode Island
jeet = Did you eat?
please = What did you say?
joo = Did you?
whadjeet = What did you eat?
hadda = I had a
grinder = large sandwich, also called a "sub" (Massachusetts, Maine) or a "hero" (New York, Connecticut)
downsella = to the basement
and = in order to
stuffies = stuffed baked clams
peaked (pron. peek-ed) = pale
downcity = to the capital, e.g., Providence or London
wicked = extreme, extremely
sachem = chief, leader
wicked sachem of Hogwarts = Headmaster
to god something = to take something very seriously (from "to god" = to defend)
cabinet = milkshake