Yeah-Round Summah Visitahs

Nov 16, 2006 21:18

Title: That Them There Snapes Goint To Be Yeah-Round Summah Visitahs (Once they find the way theyah, that is.)
By Ahcadiuh elle
Team Name: Apparently, a Death Eater.
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Challenge: Native Slang Challenge. (Downeast Maine) Implied Runaway Challenge.
Characters: Severus, Hermione, two natives.
Disclaimer: I am making no profit. Nor am I claiming creation or ownership of anything Harry Potter related. All of it is J. K. Rowling's.

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"Ayuh, I shoo-ah can," the old man obliged. "Jus' go down ruut one apiece -"

Severus hissed angrily to Hermione's, "You call those directions?"

"Now dohn't be stahtin' in on yo-wah Missis. A right cunnin' little thing she is, too," The elderly woman admonished Severus.

"Like I said, you jus' take the Showah Road and it's maybe half an hour from heyah to theyah. You picked a wicked good day for a trip."

"I don't know where he gits his idears from. I wouldn't go neah the watah today."

"Cahn't say as you eva wahn't ter go neah the watah Ma-tha."

That them there: I don't really know how to explain this one. It's something like 'those or the' when used before people.

Goint: going to

Yeah-round Summah Visitahs: A permanent visitor from away.

theyah: there

From Away: Anyone who is not a native Mainah's.

Mainah: Someone who is a native of the State of Maine.

Ahcadiuh elle: me, Acadia elle

Ahcadiuh: Acadia (In this context it is a place on Mount Desert Island, Maine.)

Ayuh: an affirmative exclaimation

shoo-ah: sure

go down: used to indicate both north and south

ruut: route

apiece: some distance

dohn't : don't

stahtin': starting

Missis: Mrs

yo-wah: your

cunnin': cute

Showah Road: Shore Road

hehah: here

wicked: very

idears: idea

neah: near

watah: water

cahn't: can't

eva: ever

wahn't: want

Ma-tha: Martha

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native slang challenge, acadia_elle

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