Team: Spy for the Order
Words: 2 x 100
Challenge: Halloween Feast
A/N: Where the heck is everyone????
Hermione entered the Great Hall in a swirl of robes worthy of Severus himself. She threw herself into her chair with a deep, steadying breath. For a millisecond her soft brown eyes clouded with tears; these were quickly banished by a steely hardness that shocked Severus as he observed his colleague’s unusual behavior.
She poured some pumpkin juice and drank deeply, then sat up straighter, resolved to enjoy her first Halloween Feast as a faculty member.
But Severus, who had been surreptitiously observing her all term, saw the fine lines deepen around her mouth and knew she was still upset.
Their hands met on purpose as he gently covered her fingers on the mashed potato spoon. She stared at him as if seeing him for the first time that evening.
He knew this was his moment. He smiled apologetically and said, “Forgive my clumsiness, Professor Granger. Allow me to serve you. You seem upset…”
Hermione whispered, “Please…,” and gratefully allowed Severus his ministrations. She started, then stopped, herself from speaking twice before confessing: “I’ve had a hard day, Professor Snape. Ronald and I have ended things.”
Severus forcibly suppressed a smile. Father Christmas had come to the Halloween Feast at Hogwarts.