the girl's desire

Oct 01, 2006 09:53

TITLE: the girl' desire
TEAM: Death Eaters
RATING: PG13 (language)
CHALLENGE: caught! and epitaph Challenges
CHARACTERS: Hermione/Severus
DISCLAIMERS: I'm just borrowing the characters and give them back afterwards, except for even Severus
AUTHORS NOTES: Those drabbles have been written to answer popular demand (vox populi, vox dei). I thought I'd stop there that story but my wonderful beta,
somigliana, suggested I write one more to give a glimpse of the future. I think I may just do that...In the meanwhile, enjoy!

When she awoke, Hermione found herself in a foreign bed. By the look of it, it was rather ancient. As were the sheets. But she didn’t recognise the place.

She was still dressed in her filthy clothes from the battle, only her shoes had been removed. She remembered Snape Stupefying her without her resisting him. She couldn’t have stopped him. The glint in his eyes had told her not to resist, that it was for the best, and she’d believed him. Why she’d believed him was another question. She left the bed and the room, and went down the stairs.


She entered a dingy library. Snape was sitting there, a cup of tea in his hand.

“Come here, Miss Granger, and take a seat. You must wonder why I didn’t just comply with your wishes.”

Gingerly, she sat in a fragile looking armchair and waited for him to speak.

“You told me to go and never come back. I think it should be the other way around, that you should go and never come back.”

“Why? I could have killed you, given you to the Aurors, and I chose to let you live. Is that how you show you’re grateful?”


“Just think, Miss Granger. When the bliss of the Dark Lord’s defeat subsides, what will happen?”

“There will be inquiries and trials. People and the Ministry will want to know everything that happened.”


Realisation dawned on her.

“They wouldn’t be satisfied with my explanations about how I got such useful information. They would eventually search my mind and find we’ve been…involved.”

Tears of despair and self-disgust appeared in her eyes. He forged on:

“You see, you are the one who should be grateful; for you will be spared the indignity of seeing all your secrets bared to the public.”


She was screwed! How could she have overlooked this? Now, she was stuck with Snape, and he didn’t seem overly bothered at them hiding together. Of course he wouldn’t be.

She could always escape this decrepit house of his, but she had better chances not to get caught by staying with him. He’d had practice at this, after all. And perhaps it’d be best if her friends thought her dead rather than a sneak. What would they write on her epitaph? “Beloved friend, she will be missed” was unimaginative, but sounded right; more like the epitaph for her old life.

caught! challenge, septentrion1970, epitaph challenge

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