Sep 29, 2006 06:10
Title: Pure Drivel
Team Name: The Order
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Challenge: Epitaph
Characters: Hermione/Severus, Tom Riddle, Lily, Harry
Author's Note: Just noticed the epitaph challenge "can be" (requires?) the drabble be composed "only" of the epitaph, so I'm trying again. Warning for drivel.
Here lie the bones of a Riddle:
Foolish Tom understood only might.
Of love, he thought too little,
Yet love tied those who'd be his blight.
Tom thought he'd life eternal won,
Of all Dark Lords, being the worst,
But Lily's love for Harry her son
Was what turned back Tom's evil curse.
Tom could have yet ruled a world with hate,
But Hermione's love for a man bitter if bright,
Caused her to defend him to her mates
'Til they finally believed Snape of the Light.
They then hunted what Horcruxes were left.
Together they made Tom eat death.
epitaph challenge