Sep 25, 2006 23:03
Title: The Whomping Willow Whomps
Team Name: Order of the Phoenix
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Challenge: Prank
Characters: Hermione, Severus, and several errant students
Authors Notes: Clearly, this was bad advice. This was in response to all the Halloween talk.
Rounding up the students who had apparently gathered to watch, Professor Granger gave them all a stern look; she had replaced Professor McGonagall in the ‘someone not to cross’ category. As she truned back to assess the damage (there was a huge mess), she caught sight of Professor Snape tapping the knot on the bottom of the tree with a fallen brangh. Quickly gathering up the two injured students (it was fortunate they were only knocked unconcious), Professor Snape asked, “So what happened here?”
“Evidently they overheard someone say it would be fun to ‘toilet paper’ the Whomping Willow.”
prank challenge