Nov 17, 2019 17:42
Title: A Better Use
Challenge: Used
Team: Order of the Phoenix
Rating: PG
Words: 100
Characters: Snape, Hermione
A/N: Still don’t own characters
Recovering at St Mungo’s, Snape was grumpy at having survived. He snarled sometimes like a wounded thing at Miss Granger, who dared look after him.
She’s late. He doesn’t care. Really.
Miss Granger arrives and Snape sees she’s angry. Her eyes spark and there’s high colour in her cheeks. But not angry at him… she starts calming as she tends to him.
“Is there a problem, Miss Granger?”
“When I told Ron I was finishing my studies, he said it was dumb because I’d be pregnant once we’re married. To be used for babies! We’re not marrying.”
“Congratulations,” he purred.
used challenge,