
Sep 30, 2018 13:51

Title Untitled
Team Spy for The Ladies in Black with Party Masks
Challenge Servant
Word Count 100
Rating PG
Charavters Hermione/Snape
Authors Notes Not mine, no money. Playing in Jo’s sandpit for fun not profit. Hope you enjoy my take on the challenge.

He stared down at the luxurious robes breathing a heavy sigh.

First The Dark Lord, then Albus Dumblebore, he’d served them both. The first had promised glory, the second penance.

Now, Granger... she’d saved him, brought him back from the brink and now he was to be tied to her for the rest of his natural days. It was that or Azkaban.

Marriage and a life debt, a double whammy of servitude.

In sickness and in health.

Till death parted them.

Later, Hermione surprised Severus by relieving him of his life debt and telling him his life was his own.


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