Title: Yours
Team: Spy for the Dark Ones
Challenge: You’re not going to like this…
Word Count: 100 for now - why yes I am an evil writer
Characters: Hermione, Snape and mentions of Minerva and Kingsley
Rating: 15 - language
Authors note: I blame Bridget Jones’ Baby… That’s my defence and I’m sticking to it. The Potterverse does not belong to me, mores the pity. If you think it does belong to me you need to join Lockhart in St. Mungo’s. Playing in JKR’s sandpit for fun not profit.
He hates these functions, he’d hoped after a decade they would be done with celebrating Riddle’s defeat.
He’s here under duress; Minerva and Kingsley are frightening when they pair up.
He scans the room; a smirk plays across his lips when he sees a familiar mane of bushy hair.
“Weasley’s eating habits are contagious I see, we should inform St Mungo’s.”
“Oh, for fucks sake, Snape, I know you’re not going to like this… I’m pregnant!”
“And why should I care, Granger?”
“Because it’s yours, you insensitive bastard!”
The teacup he is holding slows on its way to his lips.