Title: Whilst You Lay Sleeping
Team: Spy for the Ladies in Black with Party Masks
Word count: 100
Challenge: Toenails and Sleeping Beauty?
Rating: Universal
Characters: Hermione, Snape and Poppy
Authors notes: Anti-Litigation charm... Not mine, no money playing in Jo's sandpit for fun not profit.
Feeling a little down today, and this plot!bunny wouldn't bigger off until it was written down.
It seemed like such a trivial thing to do but he paid it as much attention as he would a gently simmering cauldron.
Quiet reverence towards the girl... no, woman who lay in the infirmary bed.
Poppy watched from the shadows, as she had since the man was but a boy. Her heart shattered that little bit more as Severus moved from one foot to the other.
He felt lost, helpless...
Red. Her favourite colour was red.
Hopefully this potion would bring Hermione back to him.
While they waited he would continue to care for her from head to toe.