Facebook Fanfiction Writer's 100-Word Challenge Day Two

Aug 19, 2015 21:51

Day Two: Fertile
Title: It Grows With The Telling
Team: Death Eaters
Challenge: Dialogue Only Challenge
Length: 100
Rating: G

“…then the three little pigs awoke! The first one said, ‘Who’s been sleeping in my bed? Then Hermione, the Wicked Witch of the West, huffed and puffed and blew the house down─’”


“Ah, Hermione! I…I was just finishing Marissa’s bedtime story.”

“So I gathered. Do continue. Your storytelling skills are legendary. Why, Marissa, dear, your father─”

“You simply caught me off guard, my dear. I was only about to say, ‘then they all drank lemonade and lived happily ever after.”

“No, Daddy, that’s not how it goes! You left out Dread Pirate Potter and Doctor What and the Daleks.”

child challenge, teddyradiator, dialog only challenge

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