Title: Not So Selfless
desleaTeam Name: Order of the Phoenix
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Challenge: Dialogue only.
Characters: Hermioine/Severus.
Authors Notes: At the behest of
"Spare me the I'm-not-deserving-of-love routine, Severus. It was a tired song the first time you sang it, and it's more so now."
"You're smarter than that. I'm a Slytherin. I'll admit to brooding, but deny myself something I wanted as a consequence? I'm not so selfless as that."
"Ah, now we get down to it. What's your angle, then?"
"You're playing with fire, you silly girl, and you don't even know it."
"You're protecting me from myself? I thought you weren't so selfless as that."
"You really must stop confusing me with a Griffyndor, Hermione. I'm protecting myself from you."