Title: Sleep Well
Team: Spy for the ladies with party masks
Challenge: Snape's tears, Freedom
Word count: 100
Rating: Universal
Characters: Severus, Hermione, OFC
Warnings: Erm, character soothing?!?
Authors Notes: Sleep deprivation leads to dark(ish) plot bunnies. Honeydukes Finest Dark chocolate is available on the way out.
Potterverse does not belong to me, I makes my money as a jack of all trades within the blood sciences. No beta was blinded by this drabble, any errors are mine and mine alone precious.
It hurts to see her in pain. Her breathing is laboured and difficult to watch.
It hurts that they have shared so little time, in the grand scheme of things, since his miraculous survival.
She has been there for him throughout, a constant, reassuring presence.
He knows it's the right thing to do; it doesn't stop the tears flowing across his cheeks.
"It's time, Severus."
Her gentle voice soothes as he presses the vial to her lips.
One last breath, and then freedom.
"Sleep well, Bonnie," he whispers before turning from his beloved pet to face his ever loving Hermione.