
Dec 15, 2013 14:21

Title: Wrappings
Team Name:Spying for *flips coin* the DEs
Word Count: 3X100
Challenge: Tangled in the Tinsel
Characters: Hermione, Severus.
Authors Notes:No, I have no idea what the circumstances of them sharing are, nor do I have any idea if there will be more of this - especially before Christmas

Returning from the seasonal celebrations, Snape entered the darkened room perhaps not as steadily as usual. Stumbling a little on the edge of a rug he swore quietly and drew his wand, using the lowest of Lumos strengths. So it was that he saw the slightest shimmering in his peripheral vision, and swung around with a flourish to face the potential threat in the corner by the fireplace.

However, he felt something snag his arm as he did so, and his dramatically billowing robes caught around his not quite so nimble ankles, toppling him into the clutches of the intruder.

Woken by the crash, Hermione sprang out of bed, pausing only to grab her wand as she raced into their shared sitting room, raising the light level to near blinding. There, rather than some villain, sat Severus Snape in the wreckage of her small Christmas tree, flailing his arms (as much as he could, tangled in the tinsel) and yelling challenges at some imagined foe. Seeing there was no immediate danger, she covered her mouth and tried not to laugh at the scene before her. She failed, which caused the wizard to cease struggling and turn his ire on her.

"Just what is so funny, Granger?" Severus barked as he struggled, causing the tinsel to tighten.

Hermione bent down to where he was sat asprawl, and started to loosen the different strands.

"I don't know. Could it be, after the fuss you made about my 'tawdry display of sentimentality,' I find you under my tree all wrapped up for Christmas?"

"Whereas I," he drawled, voice husky from both the alcohol and the unintended view down the décolletage of her nightdress, "find you mostly unwrapped."

Both flushed, he looking away as she freed him before turning silently to their own rooms.

tangled in the tinsel challenge, eoforyth

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