Jul 20, 2013 16:57
Team: Death Eater
Page 394 Challenge
Characters: Hermione Granger/Severus Snape
Word Count: 100
Rating: M
Hermione had tried in vain to get him to say it again. The fissure of heat that simple phrase symbolized to her young budding sexuality. Deep down in the small crevice he had unknowingly opened, her wildest desires blossomed along with her beauty and courage.
Now as colleagues, she lay in her dark room, fingers playing a melody her body intimately knows as she chases that heat, that passion, she’s begging for release. Snape passes her room, robes billowing and as he turns to descend to his own chambers, he hears her cry out in ecstasy “Yes, yes professor….page 394”
page 394 challenge