Title: Peace
Team Name: Spy for the Ladies in Black
Word Count: 100
Rating: Hard R to be safe
Challenge: Behind Closed Door
Characters: Hermione and Severus
Authors Notes: Okay, the first of hopefully many entries this week.
Anti-litigation charm: Not mine, No money, no beta. Just playing in JKR’s sandpit for fun not profit.
It had been a long day.
A day of hope and reconciliation, of happiness and contentment, of terrible sadness and grief.
And, by the end of it, Hermione was exhausted.
Too many conflicting emotions.
Too much to consider.
Too much to haunt her dreams and fuel her nightmares.
And so she did the only thing she knew how to do to assuage the conflict, to quieten the voices.
She offered the only thing she had to give.
The only thing she knew would bring them tranquillity.
She knelt for him.
In reverence and devotion.
She knelt for Severus.
In love.