Title: On the Train
Team Name: Spying for the Deatheaters
Word Count: 100
Rating: M (Adult)
Challenge: speachless
Characters: HG, SS,
Brought to you, once again by the society for the preservation of old jokes, I give you
It being Jubilee year, the Hogwart's Express was obliged to give way to muggles. It was parked up in a tunnel, cloaked in magical darkness while the Royal Train passed. Throughout the train students confined to their compartments, peered out in silence, hoping to catch a glimpse of the Queen.
Nobody peered out from the professors' compartment, however, but should somebody have been listening at the door they might have heard the following exchange:
"Severus, if you were a gentleman we wouldn't be doing this."
"And if you were a lady, Miss Grainger, you wouldn't talk with your mouth full!"
Thank you, I'll get me coat.