Title: Guilty Pleasures
Team Name: Death Eaters
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Challenge: Guilty Pleasures Challenge
Characters: SS, HG
AN: Special thanks and big hugs to
rivertempest for her support and encouragment
He gaped as her little pink tongue methodically lapped and swirled at the frozen treat. Finally, Hermione polished off the last of her double fudge vanilla ice cream cone, licked her sticky fingers and sat back with a contented sigh.
“Thank you, Severus. That was really lovely. It’s always such a treat to come to Fortescue’s with you.”
He leaned in close, his warm breath tickling her ear.
“Well, my dear, now that we have satisfied your guilty pleasure, I think it is time we go home and indulge in mine. Do you not agree?”
“Absolutely, love.”