Title: Grimmauld Peach
Challenge: Bruised Peach
Team: Spy for the Order
Words: 100x2
Rating: PG
Characters: HG/SS
A/N: Peachy goings-on in the kitchen at Grimmauld Place. Usual disclaimers apply.
Couldn’t she even trust him to go shopping? Hermione stared at the box of peaches in disbelief.
‘They were a bargain,’ Ron said, sounding pleased with himself. ‘Almost giving ‘em away, they were.’
‘I’m not surprised.’ Hermione picked out one of the less damaged ones gingerly. ‘Some of them are going green.’
‘But bruised peaches are the sweetest, Hermione,’ Ron protested. ‘Try one.’
At the furthest end of the kitchen table, Severus was doing his best to ignore the build up to the inevitable altercation by burying his nose in the Prophet. Unfortunately, he chose that moment to glance up.
The fruit had split, the sticky juice dribbling over her hand. Severus held his breath as a pink tongue cautiously tasted the liquid before her mouth opened to take a bite. Time froze as her teeth worked the fruit from the pit, one hand poised beneath to catch the remaining juice. He felt his cock grow hard imagining what other wonders those lips could perform. It seemed to be having the same effect on Weasley, who was gaping like a goldfish.
‘Hmm… S’good.’
Severus hurriedly looked down, but he wasn’t quick enough.
‘Want one, professor?’
‘Thank you. I prefer nectarines.’