Watching out for himself

Sep 05, 2011 11:40

Title: Watching out for himself
Team Name: Spying for the Order
Word Count: 5 x 100
Rating: G
Challenge: Snape Watch, not what it looks like
Characters: Hermioine, Ron, Severus
A/N: A continuation of sorts from Watching out for Snape.
miamadwyn pointed out the second half of that could read that it was Snape Polyjuiced as Granger until it reached the last line. Although the following isn't what she meant, this is what the Plot Bunny provided.

Hermione had left the house on another of her jaunts to ensure that Severus was not only seen to be alive, but not as bad as he'd been painted. Gingerly, the man himself stood from the bed and stumbled to the door, then the bathroom beyond. It was only as he flushed he heard someone downstairs.

"'Mione! I thought you weren't in at first. I need some company while Harry's on another wild Snape chase."

After a moment of panic, Snape's instincts cut in. Grabbing the hairbrush from the shelf, he lurched into his room for a vial of Polyjuice.

Quickly rolling up the now too long sleeves and legs of the pyjamas Hermione had provided (and trying to ignore how snug they were across hips and chest), Severus just had time to shut the Disillusioned door behind him before Weasley came bounding up the stairs.

"'Mione, what's keeping you?" Ron looked 'her' over, and Snape regretted not grabbing a dressing gown before he continued. "Why are you in your pyjamas?"

Thankful for once for his damaged voice, the Polyjuiced man took it up a couple of notches before replying. "Sorry... Ron, but I'm not up to company. Sore throat."

"Aww, sweetheart, you toddle off back to bed," Ron said as he turned.

Snape sighed with relief, remembering to head towards 'her' room at the last moment, then almost tripped as a voice called up the stairs. "I know just what you need. Tuck yourself in, and I'll be back up in two ticks."

Damn. Checking the clock, and wondering how much longer 'Snape' would be out, 'Hermione' called back. "Please don't bother, I'll just take a nap-"

"It's no bother, that's what are mates for. I'll just put the kettle on," Weasley's voice faded as he reached the kitchen.

Glancing around the unfamiliar room, Snape was glad there wasn't anything potentially embarrassing left lying around. Slipping into bed, it wasn't long before Weasley appeared at the door, bearing a steaming mug and a plate.

"Here you go. Earl Grey, plenty of fresh lemon and a spoon of honey, and some of the chocolate finger biscuits you like."

Sniffing the fragrant brew, 'Hermione' gave a truly appreciative smile. Forgetting 'herself' for a moment, 'she' dipped a biscuit into the hot liquid and sucked the melting chocolate off.

Licking 'her' chocolate-smeared lips, 'Hermione' suddenly grew aware of Ron watching 'her' intently.

The redhead gulped visibly, and leaned in. Snape was horror-struck as he realised the man's intent, and suddenly clutched the hot mug defensively to his/her lips. He didn't know whether to laugh or cry when a distinctive pop of Apparition was heard downstairs and Hermione's voice called out, "Hello, I'm back. Miss me?"

Ron's head shot round. He backed up, wand drawn and eyes narrowed. There was the sound of someone coming up the stairs and a door opening before Hermione's voice could be heard again.


More doors were opened, then Ron's jaw dropped as 'Snape' billowed in.


not what it looks like challenge, eoforyth

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