Title: When Sorrows Come
Challenge: Angel of Death
Length: 100 + 25
Rating: G
Team: mods choice!
Hermione closed her eyes, they felt so heavy she was certain that even had she wanted to keep them open, she wouldn't have been able to. Everything was heavy, her eyes, her head, her limbs, her mind. She felt like she was sinking into herself.
Snape stood next to her. “Why?” he asked after a long silence.
“There was nothing left.” she shrugged, turning away from herself.
“What a waste.” He snorted.
“How would you know? You just let it take you, like a coward, and left us there! You didn't even fight it!” Her words stung true but his face remained impassive
“Neither did you.” he said softly, placing a hand on her shoulder as the light engulfed them.