Joy and All Its Power

Apr 22, 2010 10:27

Title: Joy and All Its Power
Team Name: Spy for the Ladies In Black.
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Challenge: Comfort and Joy
Characters: Snape/Hermione, from Snape’s POV.
Authors Notes: Ah, not mine, no money and no beta. Originally written for snape100 for the random quote challenge.

I have watched Miss Granger morph from the over-eager eleven year-old who waved her arm foolishly as she attempted to garner her teacher’s attention, into a fiercely-determined, beautiful young woman.

Don’t misunderstand me. I never thought of her as anything but an irritation whilst I taught her. She was the bane of my life. If I asked for six inches of parchment she’d write a foot.

Now, she means much more to me. She has brought light where for too long there was dark.

De Lenclos had it right: The joy of a spirit is the measure of its power.

savine_snape, comfort and joy challenge

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