Title: Anticipation II.
Team Name: Spy for the Ladies in Black.
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG-15 - pretty tame.
Challenge: sub!Snape
Characters: Hermione/Severus
Authors Notes: Hermione gets ready for an evening with Severus.
Anti-Litigation chant: Not mine, no money, just playing for fun in JKR’s wonderful Potterverse.
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Hermione stepped out of the shower and took a deep breath. It felt good to wash away the stresses and strains of the day.
She thought negotiating with her opposite number from the French Ministry had been a trial; it paled against the trial of Malfoy senior’s inquisition.
Reaching into her wardrobe she retrieved her favourite corset, riding whip and her thigh-high patent boots.
She took her time dressing.
After appraising her appearance in the mirror, she stepped from her dressing room into their play room.
She smiled as her eyes rested upon Severus, knelt as she’d requested, head bowed.