To Leave the World a Copy

Feb 02, 2010 02:51

Title: To Leave the World a Copy
Challenge: child
Team: Spying for silver-masked persons
Words: 100
Rating: G
Char: Hermione, OFC, Draco
AN: Past bedtime, so I'll just mention that the title is a reference to Shakespeare's Twelfth Night, Act 1, Scene 5: "Lady, you are the cruelest she alive, if you will lead these graces to the grave,and leave the world no copy."

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Hermione watches the young woman sweep past; it’s uncanny how much she’s like him: proud and imperious, intense and impatient, serious and scathing. Each trait combining to form a person who is practically an… an emotional doppelgänger, and if Hermione was ever asked about the power of names, Severa is the answer she’d give.

Severa… a child conceived in the ecstatic relief just following the war-and named in honour of the greatest of friends. Even her brother wholeheartedly agreed.

He’s just arrived now, and Hermione pauses just long enough to see slim, pale, lovely Severa Malfoy embrace Draco in greeting.

child challenge, iqeret

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