Title: Amongst Fruit and Nuts
Team: Death Eaters
Challenge: fruitcake
Rating: G
Words: 100x2
Characters: Hermione and Severus
Disclaimer: Not mine
A/N: A fruitcake challenge! Like I could ever keep my hands off such a goodie!
I´ve been using expressions I´m a bit unsure of (for instance: ”be it far from him to ever admitting to that”), my dictionaries aren´t omnipotent it seems...Yes, I know, a beta would come in handy! I´ll get there...promise...;)
”Severus!” Her voice is upset and high-pitched, he imagines it could cut through glass. ”What was that??”
He slowly lifts his head from the prestigious volume he´s pretending to read.
”That, my dear, was the monstrously fated debacle that constitutes as a visit to your friends, the Potters.”
”No!” She´s so mad she´s shaking. He´s starting to regret his course of actions, but be it far from him to ever admitting to that. ”That was you behaving like a total arse once again, despite the fact that you solemnly swore - you swore - that this time you´d be civil!"
"Hermione…,” he pleads calmly, ”I believe we both recognize the mental effort required on my behalf to lower myself to those..,” he momentarily falters,"...people´s...intellectual level.”
At that, she explodes.
”Fuck off, Severus! Just fuck off! You...nutcase!”
He replies without pause.
”Well, you know how I like to nibble at your figs and dates.” He doesn´t even blink.
She tries. Merlin knows how she tries to keep a straight face. But she feels the corners of her mouth twitch, so, of course, it´s a lost mission.
That impossible man! She´s going to let him off the hook again!