(no subject)

Jun 29, 2009 23:24

Title: A Lesson in Snark
Team Name: Death Eaters FTW!
Word Count: 100 x 3
Rating: PG (just to be safe)
Challenge: Cheese Challenge
Characters: Hermione/Severus
Authors Notes: Unbeta-ed, and thought up after a rather long day. I chalk it up to the heat. Either way, here's a rather silly and slightly unorthodox response to the "cheese" challenge.

Severus watched as his wife paced the floor of their chambers, tugging at a wayward curl and casting dark glances at the ceiling. It had taken becoming head of Gryffindor to make her see what aggravating dunderheads her students really were.

“I’ve tried, Severus, but I don’t have the experience. Merlin forgive me if I ever gave Minerva such a headache!”

“Would you like some cheese with that whine, love?” he teased, quirking a dark brow and leaning against the bedpost.

The scathing glare Hermione cast in his direction was brief; another moment, and she had crumpled into an armchair.


“I thought I could do this,” she whimpered, pressing her face against his shoulder. “All those years keeping Harry and Ron in check, you’d think I would have learned something!”

Drying her eyes with the sleeve of his robes, Severus pulled her to her feet and set her upright.

“This, from the witch who helped bring Voldemort to his knees? I won’t have my wife reduced to tears by a batch of hormonal half-wits.”

“You make it look so easy!” she hissed, frowning at him as if he had played some part in the Dung Bomb fiasco of that evening.


“Yes, and you learned from the best,” he purred, and with a great flourish of his robes put her at a distance, facing her from across the room.

“Let’s try a bit of role-playing. You’re rather good at that, if I recall.” Her blush only served to goad him on.

“Pretend I’m one of your first-years. ‘Professor, that third-year tripped me,’” Severus whined convincingly.

“How awf-” she began, stifling her condolence at the sound of his frustrated growl. Instead, she braced herself and sneered with alarming accuracy.

“Would you like some cheese with that whine?”

It was a start.

cheese challenge

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