Title: In Desperate Need of More Than a Cooling Charm
Team: Spying for the Order
Word Count: 100* 2
Rating: Mature for language and adult situations
Challenge: Hormones
Characters: Hermione/Severus, who've been together for quite a long time.
Disclaimer: I am not JKR. I do not own the world of Harry Potter. I make no money from this.
A/N: I promise this is my last submission to the Hormones challenge.
For the third time that night, Hermione said “Severus, cast a cooling charm.”
She couldn't see his expression in their darkened bedroom. “Are you barking mad? It's freezing in here.”
“Look, I've already sweated through and removed my nightgown. Now I'm working on soaking the sheets. I'm naked and still hot. Cast the fucking charm!”
“You need to see a healer about this.”
“Don't you think I've done that? There's no magical treatment for my ailments. I've got an appointment with my mother's physician tomorrow.”
“Regardless...Muggle or Magical medicine...you need medical intervention. I can't survive anymore subzero temperatures.”
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Hermione arrives home in brighter spirits.
“I take it your appointment went well” Severus said casually, not wishing to spark her ire.
“Very well. So well, in fact...you...me...bedroom...NOW!”
“Are you certain? You haven't wanted to for quite some time.”
“The doctor gave me something for that also. Bedroom...naked...NOW!”
Severus pulled her close after they were well sated.
He was caressing her back, gently cupping her buttocks when he felt something. “Are you wearing a contraceptive patch?”
Hermione shook her head. “It's a hormone patch, releasing estrogen gradually into my body.”
Severus sighed in relief.