Title: Missing You.
Team Name: Spy for the Men in Black with Party Masks.
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Challenge: Hormones
Characters: Hermione and Severus's black marble headstone. (Sorry, Severus is presumed dead when this is set.)
Authors Notes: A missing scene from my WIP Come Back To Me, which can be found at The Petulant Poetess, OWL and Ashwinder.
Not mine, No money and No beta.
Hermione sat down on the travel rug.
Removing the hip flask Minerva had given her, she sipped the amber nectar.
Tears poured down her cheeks as she slowly caressed the black marble headstone.
She knew she should move forward, live the life Severus had fought to secure her.
She knew her reaction was a result of her monthly cycle and the fact that she was driving herself into the ground with her ambitious and unrelenting revision timetable.
“Oh, Severus,” she murmured as she wiped the tears from her cheeks, “I wish you were here to hold me, to reassure me.”