Title: Long Robes
Team Name: Order
Word Count: (100)
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: Shoe Challenge
Characters: Hermione/Severus
Authors Notes: HP is not mine and nothing is made from this. Not beta'd so I apologize for any mistakes.
The new Charms mistress was taunting him. She wore long robes, robes so long they brushed the ground. Everything about her appeared prim and proper. It was as if McGonagall had never left. Her bushy hair in a tight bun, every inch of skin covered. But when she walked he gained a glimpse of what was beneath those robes. He had wondered how she had gone from a rather petite young girl to the tall beautiful woman that he had hired. Now he knew why. Underneath her robes, Professor Hermione Granger wore four inch “fuck me” heels. Heaven help him.