Title: Repayment
Team Name: The Order
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Challenge: life debt
Characters: Hermione, Snape
Authors Notes: The usual disclaimer: JKR owns the characters; I'm not making a profit.
He should’ve known better. He was damned when she saved his life. She’d promised him not to worry about it, but here she was asking him to pay her back. And asking for his most prized potions book.
Seeing his reluctance, she was becoming annoyed. “I hate to bring up the life-debt, but you owe me. I’m only going to borrow it.”
Frowning Snape finally relented. She began to move forward as if she was going to hug him. He tried to back away.
Afterwards, he hated to admit the hug wasn’t as bad as he’d feared it would be.