Title: Got My Mind Stuck On You
Team Name: Spy for the men with those cool black cloaks and Part masks :D
Word Count: 4 x 100
Rating: PG
Challenge: Possessive Snape and possibly Stuck On You.
Characters: Hermioine/Severus
Authors Notes: Okay, dark!Sav has come out to play today and as such Snape has turned all dark, brooding and possessive of someone, who as yet, is unaware of his fascination.
I’m not sure if this fits this week challenge, but it definitely fits for Possessive!Snape, I leave it to the Dark Mod to decided whether or not it also answers this weeks challenge.
As always, not mine and no money is made. Alas, this hasn’t even been near a beta so the errors are all mine! *Bwahahahahahahaha* Oh and the title doesn't even belong to me, it's inspired by a song title by George Harrison.
* * * *
I watch surreptitiously as you glide effortlessly around the room. I wish I had your confidence to mingle with the amassed crowd of well wishers and hangers on.
I have been pardoned for my part in the death of my mentor and friend. I have been awarded an Order of Merlin, First Class but I feel like a fish out of water at these Ministry organised gatherings.
If only I had your confidence Miss Granger, if only I had you by my side, reassuring me I’m sure we could take on the world and make of it what we willed.
* * * *
I sip my firewhisky as I continue to covertly watch you.
You’re talking with Minister Shacklebolt and your two school cohorts.
One of them must have said something funny, as you have thrown you head back and you are laughing like you have not a care in the world. Your laugh warms my soul, it’s care free and light.
I have been bewitched by you, Hermione ever since you sat by my bedside reading my Potions journals to me whilst I recovered from my brush with death.
It’s going to take patience, but I have my mind set on you.
* * * *
I am a man of never-ending fortitude though Hermione. I waited patiently for the fall of Riddle. I can wait for you too.
I am Severus Snape, greasy bat of the dungeons, one time Death eater and current member of the Order of the Phoenix.
I could, of course, brew some Amortentia and bewitch you as you have bewitched me, but there is something inherently wrong with corrupting your innocence.
If I am to have you, and I will have you Hermione, I have to do this right.
I have to take the time to woo you, to entice you.
* * * *
There was another who bewitched me and I know you are aware that I talk of Potter’s mother, my sweet Hermione.
However, as much as I felt she was the one for me she did, in fact, belong to another.
This time I know it’s for real, this feeling of love I feel inside me. We are right for one another Hermione.
We have a shared love of potions; we both enjoy a healthy debate on those topics we are passionate about.
I’ve got my mind set on you, and you will be mine, you will become Mrs Severus Snape.