Title: Love and War
Team Name: Spying for the Order
Word Count: 2 x 100
Rating: NC17
Challenge: Valentine’s Day, Smut, and War
Characters: HG, SS (implied) non canon characters
Ares enjoyed February 14th, he would watch some other bugger do all the work for a change. Hearing a bowshot, he directed his gaze upon its target. "Bloody Hell," he thought, "Eros isn’t usually that quick."They lay amid their hastily discarded clothing. She bucked and moaned to his pounding, welcoming every thrust. Eventually, he let out a sigh as she howled as her own orgasm mirrored his. He rolled over letting his softening cock slip from between her dripping lips. Hungry for more, she applied her other lips to him, the details hidden by her mass of dark curls...
Ares scanned the heavens for his opposite number. Sat on a cloud, and clearly enjoying the view, was a small, dishevelled figure with none too clean wings protruding from what appeared to be a muggle raincoat. A bow and quiver of phallic arrows lay beside him.
The War God moved closer.
"You’re not Eros!"
"No, it’s a very busy day for the boss so we all have to do our bit to help out," the cherub replied, a little drool running down his chin.
"But who are you?" Ares asked.
"Sorry, I forgot we hadn’t been introduced, the name's Σμυτ.