Title: The Gray Nightshirt
Team Name: Tudorpot gave me chocolate, so these are going to the Order. =)
Word count: 2x100
Rating: PG-13 at most
Challenge: grey night shirt
Characters: Severus, Ron, and Hermione mentioned
First section is
Second section is
“And if you are withholding information, you will be her murderer.”
Anger flashed in Weasley’s eyes. “I am not you, Snape.”
Snape felt hatred surge again, but the image of Hermione lying on his bed came to mind, and all the energy drained out of him.
“Is there a point to this?”
“You said in there that you’d seen her sleepwalking for ten weeks.” Weasley paused and grew a bit red in the face, but carried on. “About ten weeks ago, maybe a little more, she went shopping for, erm, that is to say, she, erm, wanted our first time to be perfect.”
Severus grimaced, hoping the boy had a point.
“Please tell me there is a point to this reminiscence, Weasley.”
Weasley went even redder. “Hermione is saving up for y-you-knee-varsity, and so she went to the second hand shop.”
“Let me guess,” Severus interrupted, “she bought that grey nightshirt, which belonged to some dark wizard who had cursed it in some manner.”
“No, that’s the thing. She bought a beautiful black lacy thing that was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”
Severus tried not to picture Hermione wearing something sexy. “Why are you telling me this?”
“Because… in that room, in your bed, that’s what I saw her wearing.”