After the Party

Nov 01, 2008 03:24

Title: After the Party
Team Name: Spy for the Death Eaters
Word Count: 2x100
Rating: I suppose PG?
Challenge: when ghosts intervene
Characters: Hermione/Severus
Disclaimer: I am making no profit. Any characters or settings recognizable from the Harry Potter series belong to J.K. Rowling. The rest is mine.
A/N: I wrote this a long time ago, but somehow it was never posted to GS100, and as it’s Halloween...Apologies to those who have already read it elsewhere!

“The party was a roaring success.” Hermione yawned, kicking off her shoes.

“Thanks to you. Asking the elves’ ghosts to prepare the spectral dinner was pure genius. Dobby in particular outdid himself. Even Nearly Headless Nick had to grant that the salmon was perfectly rotten.”

“But you invited Sir Patrick Delaney-Podmore just to annoy him.”

“It was my Deathday Party, and I will invite whoever I please. The Gryffindor Ghost Wonder is welcome to decline.”

She looked up at him. He may be pearly white, but he enjoyed irritating people more than ever. He was positively shining with unholy glee.


“And who,” she sighed, “could refuse a joint invitation from the living Headmistress and the ghost Headmaster of Hogwarts?”

From the silver frame on the dressing table, a beautiful dark-haired witch laughed.

“Even my daughter turns against me,” he grumbled. “How is she faring at Beauxbâtons?”

“She loves you, as I do. She’s doing very well.”

He passed his hand lightly over her brow, and the cool touch soothed her. “And now, you must sleep - the sleep of the living. Tomorrow you have to greet the delegation from Durmstrang.”

She closed her eyes under the whisper of the softest spell.

when ghosts intervene challenge, duniazade

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