Title: Moaning Hermione
Team Name: Order of the Phoenix
Word Count: 200x71
Rating: Pg13
Challenge: Moaning Myrtle, Octoberfeast
Characters: Hermione Moaning Myrtle with a hint of possible Hermione/Severus
Authors Notes: I still do not own
Hermione Granger was sitting in Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom. Moping like Myrtle. She never thought she would have anything in common with the Ravenclaw ghost that haunted the toilet. However she felt invisible, abandoned and unwanted now the man she loved she cared for did not want her. She had heard him talking with Professor Flitwick cursing her as a bushy haired harpy that would nag a wizard to his grave. The witch sighed and leaned against the stall wishing she were dead like Myrtle.
Myrtle herself came out from her toilet, with an annoyed look on her face eyes flashing
“This is my bathroom and only I have the right to mope in it! What reasons do you to be so upset anyway?
You are alive people love you and you will be missed if you are gone!” ‘
Not the man I love, he doesn’t want me” replied Hermione sobbing
“Who is that?” asked Myrtle
“Severus Snape” answered Hermione
“What is it with the living? Can’t they realize how hard it is for the dead? I will never grow up and marry! Here you are talking about the man you love when I can’t have one! Besides Snape loves you.
He weeps about it in his dungeon. If you going to lie than at least use someone that is believable.” Before Myrtle gave her customary screech and went back into her toilet. Hermione never felt so relieved to know that Severus loved her too and decided that she would figure out something to do about it. Perhaps she would ask him to be her escort to the Octoberfest dinner in Hogsmeade.