traitor XVI

Oct 11, 2008 10:33

Title: Traitor to the Light (XVI)
Team Name: Devious Baddies (DE)
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Challenge: Traitor to the Light
Characters: Hermione, Severus, Harry, Ron, Voldy, Lucius… etc.

Authors Notes: I'm back.. again. :D This is a continuation of a series I have been working on for ever... I have tagged all of them greenstuff and traitor to the light if you want to start at the beginning.. However I will recap for those who don’t: evil!Hermione in cahoots with sexy!Lucius kidnapped Ron and Harry and Severus, Severus escaped only to end up before Voldemort holding Harry’s wand, believing Harry is dead Voldemort has decided to storm Hogwarts and Hermione in a last ditch effort to save her conniving neck has joined Harry and Ron to defend Hogwarts...

The castle was eerily quiet. Harry and Ron exchanged nervous glances and raised their wands, ready for anything. Their relief at seeing no Dark Mark hovering over Hogwarts was short lived with the very air frozen in anticipation of the first bloody clash of battle. Hermione trailed slightly behind them. Her stomach had tied itself into tight, cold knots. She had underestimated Severus and now she was walking willingly into a fight she had helped orchestrate. She was doomed no matter which side won, both sides saw her as a traitor, and she couldn’t even run. Damn her Gryffindor Courage.

The trio slipped into the Great Hall. The boys were relieved to see the Order and some students gathered around Dumbledore, receiving their orders for the fight that would surely come. Hermione felt decidedly ill. The only relief was that Severus was not among them.
Dumbledore turned and beckoned them closer. “Minerva, I trust you can fill Mr Potter and Mr Weasley in on our plan? I must speak with Miss Granger in private.”
McGonagall nodded.

“Come, Miss Granger, Severus is waiting to speak with you.”
Hermione followed him reluctantly, her mind working overtime. She needed a new plan. Now!


He should be used to betrayal by now, Severus reflected as he paced the bright, tacky confines of the headmaster’s office. It was a theme of his life thus far. But Hermione’s betrayal was a bitter taste in his mouth that no amount of anger could burn away.
The office door swung open at last and Dumbledore ushered Hermione in and shut the door behind her leaving his potions master to deal with the traitor.

Severus did not turn to look at her. He did not trust his anger to protect him from his own weakness where Hermione was concerned.


A sniff distracted Severus from the black grounds below him. He turned and allowed himself to see Hermione for the first time and immediately wished he hadn’t. She looked small, sad and scared. Her robes were tattered and there were suspiciously blood coloured smears alongside the dirt. His traitorous heart longed to rush across the room and...

But then there was a flash of green and when he looked out he could see the lingering glow of a Dark Mark over Hogsmeade and he knew it was over. The woman he loved was gone. And worse, she had never been.

greenstuff, traitor to the light challenge

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