
Jun 28, 2008 15:09

Title: Reenactment
Team Name: The Order
Word Count: 100 x 3
Rating: PG
Challenge: Blame it on Ron
Characters: Hermione/Severus, Ron
Authors Notes: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, and various others. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.
This is my first post here and my first try at writing this pairing.

“What in the hell was Minerva thinking?” Ron demanded, “You would be throwing away your career if you took up her offer to teach history to a bunch of ungrateful gits.”
“You are wrong Ronald,” Hermione spat back at him, “I am taking Miverva’s offer and it will not be throwing away my career. The students will love my History of Magic classes.”
“What are you going to do, give them axes and have them recreate the Goblin Wars?” Ron scoffed, “besides there is no way that I am trudging up to Hogwarts to visit you every weekend.”
“Then don’t!”


“What in the hell happened here?” an irate Severus Snape demanded of the new History of Magic professor.
“Well we might have gotten carried away,” Hermione admitted as she looked over the burnt Quidditch pitch.
“Might have?” Severus questioned as he looked in the direction of the smoldering Slytherin section of the stands.
“So reenacting the various witch burnings may not have been my brightest idea but the students had fun,” she rushed before he could continue. “In fact next week all of the classes are going to reenact the third Goblin war. I got the idea from Ron.”


“That was fun,” Severus smiled as he and Hermione left the Great Hall.
“I am glad that you enjoyed yourself,” the witch smiled back up him, “You were the perfect Goblin King. Did you see the look on Teddy’s face when you came into the room?”
“It was rather amusing to see him lose all of the color in his hair and face when I kissed you at the signing of the treaty” Severus smirked.
“Would you care to reenact that part of the war in my rooms tonight?” Hermione questioned with a blush as she took his hand.
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