Title: It’s Too Late To Apologize Team Name: Spy for the Tattoo-ed Men Word Count: (100 x 4) Rating: PG Challenge: blame it on Ron challenge Characters: Hermione, Severus, Ron, pretty bimbo Authors Notes: Inspired by
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Ron is one I always thought would go for looks before anything else (his episode with Lavender in HBP). When he saw how beautiful she is with Severus, then only he realized his loss.
Exactly, I agree. I think his relationship with Hermione was like a given to him. He didn't have to earn her, to woo her, she's already his. So, when that happen, people tend to take it for granted.
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He's just wrong for her. I hardly think there's anything in common that they like. Since Hermione was the one who was too eager to be with him at the end of HBP, I made him to leave her instead of the other way around. Notice that he only realized his loss when he saw how beautiful she is. Hmm...
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All us ladies have had that faultering moment at a party when we've discovered someone we hoped would not be there and It would always be lovely to have Severus at your side when it does happen.
Comments 19
Thank you for sharing, that was really lovely.
(pfft ... *stick out tongue at Ron*) :P
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And how very supportive of Severus, despite Hermione faltering a little.
Thanks for commenting! I really admired your work, btw! They're all true gems!
Thank you for commenting! I really appreciate it! :)
Thanks again! :)
Lucky Hermione to have found him to reassure her when things like this happens.
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