(Yet) Another Cursed Door

Jun 22, 2008 00:47

Title: (Yet) Another Cursed Door
Team Name: Spy for the Flaming Birdy
Word Count: (100 x 4)
Rating: R
Challenge: locked in the dungeon challenge
Characters: Hermione, Severus, Prof McGonagall, curse-breaker.
Authors Notes: It’s been a while since I post here. Pardon the absence. Thanks to  septentrion1970  for beta-ing my fic (yet) again. She's a true gems - but I'm sure you're all already know that! ;)

"Because walls have ears and portraits like to gossip ..."


"What's all the racket here? Move, let me through!" shouted Prof McGonagall.

"Pardon me, Headmistress, there was another cursed door."

"Another? Who is inside?"

"Professor Snape and Professor Granger, ma'am."

"Oh dear, well, hurry up! Break the curse now. Heaven knows if they haven't started duelling inside already," she said, fear clearly etched on her face. "The last time, they were both pointing their wands at each other. Luckily, we got there just in time."

It was well-circulated all over the castle how both of the professors hated each other.

I hope Hermione is alright, she prayed silently.


Inside …



"Trapped again, are we?"



"My turn."

Both were facing each other. Sneering. Hermione's hands were trembling. Severus' nostrils flared.

"How long?" Hermione's voice lost its confidence and turned whispery.

"Fifteen. Twenty-five minutes, tops."

"Well, what are you waiting for?" She waved her wand and clothes disappeared.

"Common courtesies is 'ladies first'."

Hermione stepped forward. Bodies collided. Lips were mashed together. Moaning sounds followed. Her back was pushed to the wall. Legs were lifted. He positioned himself and pushed inside. Hermione gasped. Severus groaned. He paused but she urged him to move. He withdrew only to push back, deeper this time. Hermione approved. Severus smirked. He repeated. Again. And again. Her nails dug into his shoulders. She was close. She grabbed his face; turned it sideway. Her mouth captured his earlobe and suckled. He screamed. He went faster. She let it go and join moving. Several strokes later, she screamed as she came. His strokes became erratic as he let himself go inside her. Soon, they collapsed on the hard floor. With panting breaths.

Outside …

"Oh God, did you hear that? Hurry up!" Minerva said worryingly. She heard Severus screamed first, closely followed with Hermione.

Maybe she hit him with a curse and he retaliated, she thought. If he ever as touches her, I swear I would …

"Got it!" the curse-breaker cried.

"Move over!"

But everyone stopped in their tracks.

Hermione stepped outside; looking calm as though nothing was amiss. Severus followed.



And both turned the opposite way.

Everyone was silent.

Minerva looked at her colleagues back and forth. This was the third cursed door case in two weeks. Each time, they were trapped inside. They couldn't have planned them, could they? But the screamings? Could it …  Impossible!

Still puzzled, she turned and left.

locked in the dungeon(s) challenge, zyra321

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