I F***ing Do! Part Twelve

Jun 20, 2008 20:54

‘She won’t wear the dress or have the wedding at the parish,’ Jocasta Fotheringay-Forbes-Granger whined to her mother, Alice Fotheringay-Forbes.

Alice had a grim, but determined look on her face. ‘Well, that just isn’t on, is it, poppet? We’d better teach those wizard people a thing or two about the Fotheringay-Forbeses. That dress has been in the family since 1870! All of my sister Ingrid's granddaughters have worn it. I won't see mine walk down that aisle in anything else! Whatever happened to young whippersnappers these days and duty? Whatever happened to upholding tradition? Nobody does what they’re told anymore.’

& & &
Severus and Hermione Apparated back to their flat together and immediately made for the whisky cabinet.

‘Well, that solved-absolutely nothing, actually, except that we won’t be holding it at the Manor,’ Hermione sighed. ‘Fwooping hell. Why does everything have to be so long and complicated? Can’t we just elope in… I don’t know, France? Get it all over and done with?’

Severus sipped the whisky, silently agreeing wholeheartedly with her suggestion.


Back at Hogwarts, Buggy thwacked himself over the head for eavesdropping. But Professor Greasyhead and Miss Bushy just had to marry at Hogwarts!

Buggy began Making Plans.

read the next installment!

creative cursing challenge, gilded_glamour, hissing harpies

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