Tressed Out

Jun 04, 2008 14:46

Title: Tressed Out
Team: Order of the Phoenix
Characters: Severus/Hermione
Challenge: Fluffy Challenge, First Kiss Challenge
Word Count: 100 x 7
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: They’re not mine, they’re J.K. Rowling’s. Alas.
Notes: Rather silly, but I couldn't shake this idea after seeing the Fluffy challenge. For geminiscorp, who has the excellent taste to be a fellow Gemini. ;-) Happy Birthday!

An ordinary wizard might have expressed romantic interest by asking Hermione to dinner or inviting her to his rooms to look at "etchings."

Severus had invited her to harvest potions ingredients instead.

To others, it likely seemed like nothing more than a desire for assistance, but Hermione knew better. Severus didn't trust anybody to help harvest even common ingredients, much less something as delicate as Dawn-Blooming Mist Lilies, which bloomed only once a year and had to be collected at sunrise. The invitation signalled immense trust and intense interest in her.

Really, by Severus' standards, it was practically a proposal.

When Severus arrived at her door, Hermione's suspicion was confirmed: this was a date, of sorts. His hair was limp as ever, but he'd clearly taken pains to appear neat and presentable. An air of anxiety hummed beneath his stoic façade, making him stiff and awkward.

Hermione felt a sudden rush of affection and smiled. "Good morning. Ready?"

"Obviously," he said severely. "Don't forget your equipment; if we are forced to return for anything, it will cost us our opportunity for the year."

His words were harsh, but his eyes were vulnerable-and he offered her his arm as they left.

It was the loveliest thing Hermione had ever witnessed.

As sunshine spilled over the horizon, painting the castle and forest in the colours of dawn, the glade around them filled with luminous swirls of golden mist. In an instant, lilies began to unfurl, a dazzling explosion of colour and heavenly scent.

Within minutes, it would all be over, and their task would start: mowing down this fragile beauty only moments after its birth.

"Amazing," she gasped, overcome.

"Yes," Severus agreed, taking her hand. His fingers were warm; her skin tingled at his touch.

Hand-in-hand, they shared the quiet, perfect moment.

The collection procedure was tricky business, a race against time to harvest as many blooms as possible while preserving maximum potency. Yet between them, they made efficient work of the glade, plucking up the glowing, sweet-scented blossoms as they discussed Potions and Herbology and idiotic colleagues.

"We make quite a good team," Hermione observed.

Severus paused, his lips twitching in an almost-smile. "The partnership is not without promise," he allowed, his dark gaze intense enough to make her blush.

It was, Hermione decided, a nearly perfect date.

Or at least it was, until Severus slipped and fell in the mud.

Hermione tried to swallow an inappropriate snicker.

"Are you all right?" she managed, hiding her smile behind her hand.

Poor Severus looked both wretched and ridiculous, his carefully-pressed robes now soaked with dingy water and caked with dirt. His hair was stiff with mud, and his shoes squished as he walked.

"I'll take care of it," Hermione offered, raising her wand to perform quick cleansing and drying charms.

His eyes widened almost comically. "That's entirely unnecessary-no, don’t-!"

But it was too late.

Hermione blinked in astonishment at his appearance for a long moment, and then lost her battle with laughter.

"I'm so pleased you find this amusing," Severus spat.

The charms hadn't harmed his clothing, but his hair-well, there weren't words for it. It stuck out in all directions, a ridiculous mass of fluffy curls that surrounded his glowering face, making him look like a dandelion gone to seed.

"I'm s-sorry," Hermione managed, wiping tears of mirth away. "But now I understand your hair's usual-erm-texture…"

His glare intensified.

"It's natural?" she enquired.

"Most unfortunately. However, the correct product does mitigate the effects… usually," he said pointedly.

"I'm so sorry," she apologised, meaning it. "I'll never do it again."

He harrumphed.

"I'm afraid I spoiled our date," Hermione continued. "I didn't mean to. I was having a wonderful time!"

He peeked at her through a thicket of black curls. "Is that so?"

"Couldn't you tell?"

"I had hoped, but… truly?"

"Yes! I'd hoped you were going to kiss me."

Severus stopped. "That could still be arranged," he said carefully.

She smiled. "I'd like that."

His kiss was firm and sweet and it curled her toes. He fit against her as though he belonged there-a perfect match.

It was just such a shame that their children were going to have horrible hair.

first kiss challenge, bluestocking79, fluffy challenge

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