traitor XIV

May 21, 2008 08:50

Title: Traitor to the Light (XIV)
Team Name: Devious Baddie (DE)
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG
Challenge: Traitor to the Light
Characters: Hermione, Severus, Harry, Ron, Voldy, Lucius… etc.
Authors Notes: this is a continuation of a series I was working on years ago. If you want to start at the beginning they’re all tagged traitor to the light challenge and greenstuff .

Dinner in the Great hall was quieter than usual. The Gryffindors, usually the loudest, sat silently huddled together. The mysterious loss of two of their own had them all on edge. Hermione positioned herself between Parvati and Lavender. She received sympathetic smiles as she sat.

“You don’t think it got him to do you?” Parvati asked.

“Got who?” Hermione looked puzzled.

“Snape! He hasn’t been to breakfast in days.”

Hermione stole a nervous glance at the head table and was met by the icy eyes of Albus Dumbledore. She swallowed nervously. He knew. She didn’t know how, but he knew. 


Suddenly Voldemort’s eyes turned suspicious. “Explain yourself!”

Severus swallowed once, then twice and managed to find his voice. “Potter disappeared from the school Dumbledore - fool that he is - entrusted me to find him, he was being held outside of Hogsmeade, he tried to attack me when the wards were dropped and he could use his wand again I defeated him.” Severus explained in one breath.
Voldemort’s eyes smoldered with ill suppressed anger.

Severus closed his eyes, knowing what was to come. Hermione what have you done? He thought as the first waves of pain ripped through his body.


Owls flooded the great hall, parcels clenched in their talons. Hermione watched their progression with immense satisfaction. It would be good to see Severus before she disappeared. She regretted his role in her scheme. But it wouldn’t do for sentimentality to stand in her way. She her eyes flicked nervously towards the head table. Albus had risen - his eyes glued on hers - and walked quickly towards her. She glanced desperately at the swooping owls. Suddenly a package dropped into her waiting lap and she felt the familiar tug about her navel as a firm hand closed around her wrist.


Pain rippled through Severus’ body in excruciating waves. He kept his mind focused on his anger for Hermione. How could she have betrayed him? The pain intensified and he knew he couldn’t withstand it much longer. If only he could focus long enough he could Apparate away from here. Damn it! He brought Hermione’s face to the front of his brain and felt the familiar wash of agony. Crucio was nothing to this. He grasped on to that pain, the one that made it nearly impossible to draw breath and Dissapparated with a pop. Hogwarts had never looked so good.


Voldemort screeched in outrage as Severus disappeared from their midst. His reptilian features contorted into a fearsome mask of hatred and anger as he surveyed his followers. “Which of you incompetents was responsible for maintaining the apparition barrier?”

The Death Eaters parted quickly exposing the unfortunate follower who had failed so spectacularly cowering in their midst.

“Avada Kedavra!’

The man crumpled to the ground but no one saw him hit it, their fear filled eyes were focused on their leader. “We attack tonight!”
A great cheer shook the ground.

Tonight they would have their revenge. Tonight there would be blood.


Heart thudding Hermione collapsed in a heap on the soft, wet earth outside the Hogsmead hideout where she had hidden the boys. She grinned wickedly to herself. This was going to be fun.

A flick of the wand and she was ready. The glamour was perfect, the blood even smelt real. She only hoped Severus would be feeling heroic today. “Oh Severus, I’m sorry I locked you all in a dirty shack. Please, you have to help me! Lucius made me. He threatened to kill you! I had no choice!” She ginned. Oh yes. This was going to be fun!


Albus Dumbledore was not a man prone to anger. But today he was making an exception. He paced furiously from one end of his office to the other. Hermione Granger, one of the brightest witches he had ever seen had just stolen their champion, handed Hogwarts on a silver platter to Voldemort and not even been brave enough to stay for the fight. He hoped fervently that she hadn’t yet killed Severus, Harry and Ron.

The door burst open, revealing a disheveled, bleeding Severus. “Tonight. They will attack tonight.” He gasped before he collapsed on the carpet and was still.

greenstuff, traitor to the light challenge

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