Traitor XIII - Three Drabbles

Jun 18, 2005 06:39

Title: Traitor XIII
Characters: Hermione, Severus, Ron, Harry
Challenge: Traitor to the Light
Notes: Alright...  there is an entire section of this story that can not truly include a signifigant mention of both parties.  This is what i think will be half of it. I tried to fit a mention in all the drabbles, but only one survived the cuts.

Harry, looking rather skeptical, handed Severus his wand.

Severus accepted it with a polite nod, then raised it and pointed it straight at Harry. “Legilimens”

Harry stared accusingly at the Potions Master. “What are you doing? I told you magic doesn’t work here.” He spoke the last sentence slowly as if it would help get his point across.

“I had to be sure.” Severus responded with a sneer. “Since your very lives depend on this room being completely sealed to any spells.” With that cryptic remark Severus touched his fingers to the slightly glowing tattoo on his forearm and disappeared.

Hermione cast a drying spell over her skin and eyed herself in the mirror. This next step was critical, it had to be executed perfectly or the entire plan would collapse into ruin. She examined her features one by one, decided she looked innocent enough to fool them all. "It will work," she whispered resolutely, "it has to". She paused a moment thinking of Severus, trapped in that ghastly little room with Harry and Ron, and smiled. He would be unspeakably furious. She would have to visit once more before she disappeared. He was so sexy when he was mad.

“My Lord,” Severus bowed before Voldemort, kissing his feet.

“You’re late.” The reptilian voice hissed at him. “Crucio.”

Severus writhed beneath the incredible pain but did not make a sound. When it was finished he dragged himself back to Voldemort’s throne where he cowered appropriately, “It will not happen again my Lord.”

“Rise.” The Dark Lord commanded. “What news did you bring to spare your life?”

Severus did not speak instead he removed an object from the folds of his robe and offered it up to Voldemort of inspection.

“Most interesting,” the Dark Lord fingered the wand. “Most interesting indeed.”

greenstuff, traitor to the light challenge

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